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autoDNA Vehicle History Report for vehicles from the USA

ownership titles, junk, sources of information, replica, antique vs. classic

autoDNA Vehicle History Report for vehicles from the USA

ownership titles, junk, sources of information, replica, antique vs. classic

What is the source of information in the report?

The autoDNA Vehicle History Report for USA vehicles is created based on the business rules of AUTODNA Sp. z o. o.. The sources include the NMVTIS (National Motor Vehicle Title Information System) which gathers information from insurance companies and vehicle dismantling shops as per the federal law. Additionally, you will see the sources of information for certain entries provided next to them.

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What do the entries in the report mean?

The US traffic regulations differ from the European ones, which means that some of the terms used in the autoDNA Vehicle History Report for USA Vehicles may be difficult to understand.

You can find some of the definitions here

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What are the issued ownership titles?

This section includes a history of all vehicle ownership titles (the documents which determine the ownership of the vehicle). It is worth remembering that a new ownership title is issued whenever the vehicle user changes in the USA.

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Jaka jest różnica między repliką, antykiem a klasykiem?

A replica - is a vehicle made to reproduce another vehicle manufactured in a given year by a given manufacturer.

An antique - vehicle is a vehicle manufactured over 50 years ago

A classic vehicle - is a vehicle manufactured over 20 years ago which also meets other state specific criteria

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What does junk mean?

“Junk” means that the vehicle is to be dismantled and turned into junk or spare parts; it can never be registered or driven again. If this entry has been provided for the vehicle, you will find it in the “vehicle damage” subsection of the “ownership title entries” section.

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