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autoDNA Vehicle History Report

Incorrect VIN number alert, costs in damage history, higher resolution photos

autoDNA Vehicle History Report

Incorrect VIN number alert, costs in damage history, higher resolution photos

Can I see photos of the vehicle with a higher resolution?

Please be informed that autoDNA on-line reports include photos in the best resolution available .

Please also note that the on-line report you have in your account will have better quality of photos than what is included in the PDF you have received.

The report is also available for download in PDF format for 60 days since purchase. In order to download the PDF report, please log in to using the e-mail address provided during registration. Please choose the icon you will see in the top right-hand corner of the main page. The report will be available for download in “My reports”.

You can also use the on-line report to generate the PDF again.

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What does the price provided in damage history mean?

Please be informed that the amount we have quoted is the cost of repairs performed according to the rules of the art , i.e. by an adequately trained person using adequate materials.

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What does the “Incorrect VIN number” alert mean?

Please note that our report presents the result of checking the control digit included in the VIN number.
A number of manufacturers prepares the VIN number based on ISO and includes information on the control digit in it.

In such cases, it is possible for us to verify if the control digit is valid. This, in turn, allows us to verify if the VIN and vehicle marking are valid.

The message which says the VIN is invalid doesn’t mean that the number is falsified; we are only suggesting that the VIN should be verified with the institutions who can tell you more.
Please also make sure you haven’t mistyped the VIN.

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What are the sources of information included in the reports?

The data shared by autoDNA via the vehicle history reports is obtained from many reliable sources. The data in the autoDNA reports originates from over 20 European countries, as well as the US and Canada, from more than 50.000 different institutions providing services in the sector or for the automotive sector. The most important ones are car dealers, auto repair shops, motor vehicle inspection stations, financial institutions, state administrations, stolen vehicle associations and evidences, the police, disassembly stations and car lots among others. At the same time, you need to keep in mind that a part of the mentioned entities provides data in a confidential and anonymous manner.

The autoDNA Vehicle History Reports constitute the most complete source of information about over 500 million of used vehicles in Europe and in the world. Every autoDNA Vehicle History Report might contain lots of valuable information about a used car and its history, and the databases used store billions of records.

Before purchasing a used vehicle, not only do we recommend obtaining the autoDNA Vehicle History Report from the seller, but also taking a test drive, as well as having an obligatory thorough vehicle inspection done by an authorised auto mechanic or a specialised vehicle service centre.

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What does “approved conditionally” mean?

Please be informed that this means that during vehicle inspection, minor faults were discovered: this could be a dead bulb, fog or parking lights not working, or a worn tread, among others. These would all be minor technical faults.
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What does “total loss reported” mean?

In the autoDNA Vehicle History Report “total write-off” means that the vehicle was damaged in a way that rendered it impossible to repair, or that the cost of repairs would exceed the value of the vehicle itself.
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